“Gary, we talked to you in July, but listed our Pacific Beach home on XXXXX Street with another agent because she promised us a higher price. It’s not selling and we realize our agent lied to us about the price just to get our listing. I’m surprised she’s so unethical, working at such a reputable firm. What can we do to cancel our listing and hire you?”
Sorry to hear about your plight.
My greatest frustration as a Realtor is when I lose a client (and the client loses too) to an agent who exaggerates the price to dupe a client into a listing.
It creates unrealistic expectations and, because the high price scares off potential buyers, leads to a longer market time and lower price, if the home sells at all.
For your situation, unless you had the agent write in a clause letting you cancel the contract if you’re unhappy, your only option is to ask her to cancel. If she refuses, ask her broker or manager.
If they refuse, you’re out of luck.
Regarding her being with a reputable firm, you’re marginally safer using an agent with a known and trusted firm, but it’s certainly no guarantee.