The Oakley Headquarters in Lake Forest may remind you of something from a Blade Runner movie, and that is no coincidence!
CEO Jim Jannard, who is a friend of Ridley Scott wanted to bring that movie aesthetic into the building.
Besides the movie reference, there is also a military feel to it. This also makes sense as Oakley offers large discounts to military personnel.
Huge imposing structures, blackened steel, and a generous amount of bolts create the look. The lobby contains ejection seats from fighter jets and there is even a working tank present on the campus! (It’s actually called a BMP and is similar to a tank.)
When they’re not in the office or making sunglasses (35,000 sets are made daily), employees can head outside and use the BMX track.
If Oakley can craft a headquarters as unique as this it will be interesting to see what other companies create.