(This question isn’t exactly about “investing”, but…)
“A guy from a solar company just came by saying they work together with California. He wanted to find out if our home would qualify for SOLAR. At no cost to the owner. What do you know about this, given that we’ll be selling the home? Should we just leave it at ‘no thank you’ OR could solar on the roof be a positive and drive up the sale price?”
Since you’re about to sell the house, DEFINITELY don’t get solar!
They would either put a loan or a lease on your house that would have to be paid off at closing, OR the buyer would have to agree to take over the payments. AND it might also be a problem for your buyer’s home loan.
Many solar salespeople will tell you that solar vastly increases a home’s value, often by much more than the cost of the solar.
Some even quote a study that says the value goes up 78K.
All that is B.S., meaning “Bold Sales-talk.”
While I’m pro-solar (which I know is as brave as saying you’re “pro-puppy” or “pro-cute baby”) and have solar on my house, I’m definitely not pro-solar if you’re considering putting it on a house right before you sell.