A little bit of a mix-up can lead to a lot of confusion, which is exactly what happened in today’s story.
Welcome back to “Story Time With Gary!” This time, I’ll be telling you about the time a homeowner got a sign he wasn’t ready for.
Years ago, I spoke with a gentleman who was thinking of selling his home at some point in the future, but not anytime soon. I told him that was fine, and then, as it would happen, one of his neighbors then called me because they were ready to list. I happily agreed to help them do so, and got started by ordering a “for sale” sign to be placed in their yard. Once the sign was delivered, however, I got a fairly irate phone call from the first gentleman.
If someone randomly stuck a “for sale” sign in my yard, I’d probably be pretty upset, too.
He said, “I told you I wasn’t ready to sell my home!”
“That’s fine,” I replied, obviously confused.
“Then why did you stick a sign in my yard?” he asked. At this point, the pieces all came together. I soon found out that the sign company I had contracted had accidentally mixed up his address with the address of my new client—who happened to be his neighbor.
Once we figured this out, the man was very understanding. But, of course, I don’t blame him for being angry. If someone randomly stuck a “for sale” sign in my yard, I’d probably be pretty upset, too.
Speaking of selling, if you or anyone you know is thinking of doing so, please reach out to me. I’d be happy to help you with your selling (or buying) needs.
If you have any questions for me, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.