Do you know, the number one error that home sellers make?
The number one error that home sellers make is choosing the wrong realtor.
The wrong realtor can cause you time, money, stress, and your sale, and your plans. On the flip side, the right agent can get you in some cases up to 5% more in your pocket, a faster sale, a smoother sale, and less legal liability.
How do you find and choose a great agent? Well, for some people it’s a price war and a beauty contest. What do I mean by that? People sometimes will just hire the agent who tells them the highest price or the agents that’s the most likable.
Now, likable is nice. Highest price is nice. But just because an agent says you’ll get the most money, it doesn’t mean that you will. And also because the agent is likable doesn’t mean they’ll do a good job.
If only there was a “how to guide” to find the best agent. Well, guess what? There is. And it’s called “Finding the Right Realtor to Sell your Home,” written by yours truly. This is based on 37 years of experience. This took me quite a while to write.
It’s a lot of information packed into eight pages. It includes the six easy errors that people make when they choose an agent. Because typically when they choose the wrong one, it’s for one of six reasons.
An easy two-word hack, just two words to finding the best agent. 12 smart questions to ask agents, including four that I’m gonna call very artful. They’re very clever where they will elicit an answer that will tell you a lot more than what meets the eye or the ear. But you’ll see when you read my guide.
And if an agent says this, you just wanna run. Do not work with that agent. And a whole lot more.
To get the guide call or text me at 858-457-KENT (5368) or email gary@garykent.com. I’m looking forward to giving you a copy of this guide. I can email it, mail it to you, or even drop it off in person! Thanks for reading and watching the video.