Licensed since 1984, San Diego real estate broker Gary Kent is a recognized authority on real estate. In addition to selling over 5,500 homes for clients, he has been an expert court witness, trainer of other agents, and he does seminars on home buying, home selling, and investing. Gary has sold homes for The Salvation Army, dozens of major banks, and Fannie Mae, amongst others. You can find Gary on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
This Week’s Crazy Building: Intempo
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
This week’s crazy building is Intempo in Benidorm, Spain. At 630 feet tall, it’s the tallest residential building in Spain and one of the tallest buildings in the world for cities under 100,000 residents. It was meant to represent the success of Spain, but came to symbolize the country’s debt woes. Work began in 2007
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Flower Dome And Cloud Forest
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
This week’s crazy buildings are the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest conservatories in Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay. The incredible complex is the centerpiece of Singapore’s master plan to become a “City in a Garden.” It’s filled with jaw-dropping feats of engineering and massive amounts of greenery. The Flower Dome covers three acres and contains
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Eye Museum
Tuesday, 07 June 2016
This week’s crazy building is the Eye Museum in Curitiba, Brazil. The “Eye Museum” is in fact the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, which earned its nickname due to the eye-catching design of its central tower. The annex consists of a 60-foot pillar topped with a giant eye-shaped structure, all hovering above a reflecting pool. Its construction
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This Week’s Crazy Building: High Heel Church
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
This week’s crazy building is the High Heel Church in Chiayi, Taiwan. A church made of glass may conjure images of elegance and piety. A church made of a glass slipper? That’s another story. This 55-foot structure is made of over 300 blue-tinted glass panels, arranged in the shape of a giant shoe. The bizarre
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This Week’s Crazy Building: St. Francesc Convent
Saturday, 21 May 2016
This week’s crazy building is the St. Francesc Convent in Santpedor, Spain. This incredible mixture of old and new began way back in the early 1700s. Franciscan friars built this convent in a small Catalan town, but it was pillaged in 1835. The church remained standing in complete ruin until 2000, when a new project
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Robot Building
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
This week’s crazy building is the Robot Building in Bangkok, Thailand. When the Bank of Asia asked architect Sumet Jumsai to create a building that shows banking has been modernized and computerized, Jumsai took them literally. Inspired by his son’s toy robot, built a robot of his own—only this one was 20 stories tall! The
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Sulamani Temple
Saturday, 14 May 2016
This week’s crazy building is Sulamani Temple in Bagan, Myanmar. This remarkable Buddhist temple was built by the Burmese king Narapatisithu in 1183, over 830 years ago. It rises high above the many pagodas surrounding it, making it one of the most-visited attractions in the region. Tourists soar above the landscape in hot air balloons
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Market Hall
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
This week’s crazy building is the Market Hall in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Designed by legendary architecture firm MVRDV, it was completed in 2014 at a cost of $200 million. As the name suggests, this ridiculous building contains a huge market running down the center with a lattice of glass windows at either end. All along the
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Wavy Border Checkpoint
Tuesday, 03 May 2016
This week’s crazy building is the Wavy Border Checkpoint in Sarpi, Georgia. This surreal building was built on the coast of the Black Sea on the border of Turkey and Georgia. This undulating structure contains a cafeteria, a conference room and staff rooms. The top floor serves as a viewing platform, which allows officials to
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Balancing Barn
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
This week’s crazy building is the Balancing Barn in Suffolk, England. Located by a picturesque lake on the English country side, the Balancing Barn gets its name the peculiar way in which it’s situated. Legendary architecture firm MVRDV designed the building with a massive cantilever: half of its length juts out off the hillside and hangs over the
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