Do Fix & Flip Investors Only Make Low Offers?
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Question: “Last week you talked about selling to a fix and flip investor. But don’t they only buy if they get a really low price for a house?” Answer: Not necessarily. I can speak from experience, having sold dozens of homes where we had offers from investors and from owner-occupant buyers. Many fix/flip cash investors
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
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This Week’s Crazy Building: Abraj al-Bait
Thursday, 22 May 2014
This week’s crazy building is Abraj al-Bait in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Also called the Mecca Royal Hotel Clock Tower, the building holds multiple world records. At nearly 1,972 feet, it’s the third tallest building in the world and the tallest clock tower on earth. It also has the largest clock faces—all four are 141 feet across,
- Published in Crazy Buildings
Can I Do a 1031 Exchange on My Vacation Condo?
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Question: “Can I do a 1031 exchange on my vacation condo?” Answer: I talked with a 1031 expert said about doing an exchange with a vacation property. Here’s what she said: A second home that is not reported on Schedule E and the interest is written off against your personal income does not qualify for a
- Published in Q&A - Home Investing Questions, Real Estate Tips
Choosing the Right Offer When Selling a Fixer-Upper
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Question: “I inherited a fixer-upper house in L.A. We put it on the market yesterday and today we already have 6 offers. Is that normal?” Answer: There is a strong demand for fixer-uppers right now by “fix and flip” groups. So when selling a fixer upper, the trick isn’t so much getting offers, it’s choosing
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
This Week’s Crazy Building: Casa Batlló
Thursday, 15 May 2014
This week’s crazy building is Casa Batlló in Barcelona, Spain. Remodeled in 1904 by the renowned architect Antoni Gaudí, this unusual structure is nicknamed the “House of Bones” due to its organic and skeleton-like appearance. There are a plethora of architectural oddities packed into this building, including large oval windows, a facade decorated with multicolored
- Published in Crazy Buildings
Selling to a Cash Investor vs. a Family
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Question: [From a client whose home I had for sale] “I know I should go with the cash investor and quick closing, but my heart is telling me to sell to the other buyer who offered the same amount. I’d really love to see a family living in my home. And they said they’re okay
- Published in Real Estate Investment
How Agents Price Your San Diego Home So Fast
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Question: “I interviewed an agent to list my house. She walked through for a few minutes and told me what price we could get. It surprised me that she gave me a value that quickly after just seeing my house for 10 minutes. It didn’t seem like she did any homework. Is that normal?” Answer:
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions, Real Estate Tips