Should You Sell or Add Onto Your San Diego Home?
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Question: “Our family is growing and we’re running out of space. We’re expecting our third child and we’re trying to decide if should stay and add-on or sell and move up. What advice can you give us?” Answer: My best advice is to ask yourself these questions: Do you love where you live? Does your
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
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Top 5 Most (& Least) Costly Homeowning Cities
Friday, 18 April 2014 checked data for a study on home prices and mortgage rates in 25 cities to see which require the largest (and smallest) salaries to buy an average home. The top three costliest cities were in California, while Ohio claimed the two lowest. San Francisco’s monthly mortgage payment is $2,695 – nearly 6 times Tampa’s
- Published in San Diego
This Week’s Crazy Building: Tanah Lot
Thursday, 17 April 2014
This week’s crazy building is Tanah Lot in Bali, Indonesia. Carved from a combination of natural and artificial rock, this tiny island just off the coast of Bali is both a pilgrimage temple and a major tourist attraction. Though it has existed for centuries, it was restored in 1980 after the rock face began to
- Published in Crazy Buildings
Buying One Rental with Cash vs. More with Mortgages
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Question: “Do you think it’s smarter to buy one rental property for cash, or buy 2-3 with mortgages?” Answer: Yours is a good question about risk and leverage. Let’s look at some things you can do with $250,000: Example #1 – Bad $250,000 can buy you a $250,000 CD that pays you 1%. No leverage,
- Published in Q&A - Home Investing Questions
Do You Give Tenants 30- or 60-Day Notice?
Monday, 14 April 2014
Question: “Hey Gary. I’ll be selling my rental house and the place is a mess so I plan to evict the tenants and fix the place up. Do you know any good contractors? Also, I heard there’s some law that you have to give the tenant 60-days notice to move out. Is that true?” Answer:
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
This Week’s Crazy Building: Wunderland Climbing Wall
Thursday, 10 April 2014
This week’s crazy building is the Wunderland climbing wall near Dusseldorf, Germany. The structure was originally meant to be the cooling tower for a nuclear reactor that was never completed. Instead, this strange building became part of the Wunderland Kalkar amusement park. It has a climbing wall along its outer perimeter, and a giant swing
- Published in Crazy Buildings
Selling Your San Diego Home With Tenant or Without
Wednesday, 09 April 2014
Question: “Hi Gary, We have been on your mailing list for quite some time and we have always enjoyed reading what you have to say. The time has come where we would like to sell one of our rental properties. It is currently tenant occupied and we must give the tenant notice. Once it is
- Published in Q&A - Home Investing Questions
Are Successful Agents Too Busy for Your San Diego Home?
Tuesday, 08 April 2014
Question: “Hi Gary! We’re big fans of your newsletter and have been reading it for years. Silly question. We know you sell a lot of homes. We just have a small condo we want to sell. Are you too busy to handle that?” Answer: That’s a great question, not a silly one. 🙂 When I
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions