How to Improve Your Credit Score
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Question: “Can you share any tips on how to improve someone’s credit score?” Answer: Here are several smart ways to improve your credit score… 1. Carefully review your credit report Most credit reports have at least one error that will lower your score. Read your credit report line by line and report any errors in
- Published in Q&A - Home Financing Questions, Real Estate Tips
Bad Realtors Don’t Deserve Second Chances
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Question: “Hi Gary. Turns out you were right on about the price of our home. The agent we listed with was about $400,000 too high. But he worked hard for 6 months, so we’re going to give him another shot and relist the house with him next month…” Answer: (NOTE: this is what I wanted
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
Can You Find a San Diego Home to Do a Lease Option On?
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Question: “Can you find me a home that I can do a lease/option on?” Answer: Probably not, especially not now. Lease options are rare in slow markets and almost unheard of in hot markets like we’re currently experiencing. Typically a seller will do a lease option if they are unable to sell their home any
- Published in Q&A - Home Financing Questions
Should You Set Your Alarm When Selling Your Home?
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Question: “We have an alarm on our home and want to keep it on when we’re not at home.” Answer: Do you like to annoy your neighbors? Do you enjoy frequent visits from the police? Do you like paying fines for excessive false alarms? If so, go right ahead and set your alarm. What I’m
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions, Real Estate Tips
What Makes Home Valuation Sites So Bad?
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Question: “You always say that Zillow and other sites are so inaccurate. What do you think causes them to be so far off?” Answer: There are many reasons sites like these are so inaccurate. Here are a few: They “pull” comps from within X miles of the subject. However those often include neighborhoods geographically close
- Published in FAQs, Q&A - Home Investing Questions
Why List Prices May Not Be Accurate
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Question: “I’ve heard you say that you can’t look at the asking price of a home as an idea of value. But those prices were set by a professional real estate agent. So they must be fairly accurate, don’t you think?” Answer: Nope. I’d like to think what you said was true. But reality is
- Published in FAQs, Q&A - Home Selling Questions