Is Now a Good Time To Buy a San Diego Home?
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “We’ve been on the fence. Do you think it’s a good time to buy right now?” Answer: That’s a version of what I call “The Crystal Ball Question.” Let me explain… What determines whether it’s a good time to buy? Factors include: Will prices go up or down? Will the for-sale housing inventory decrease
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
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Don’t Wait for an Open House to See a San Diego Home
Wednesday, 01 April 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “There’s a house I’d like to see on Conrad. I’ll just wait until they do an open house. Do you know when it will be open?” Answer: No, but you could be waiting a long time! Many people mistakenly believe that homes for sale are held open constantly AND that open houses are the
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
3 Homebuying Tips If You Can’t Find What You Want
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “I’m having trouble finding a home to buy. There isn’t a lot to choose from and all the nice ones seem to already have an offer. Any tips you can give me?” Answer: Here are three… Don’t automatically skip over homes with poor pictures. They could be real gems that are being overlooked due
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions, Real Estate Tips
Are There San Diego Condos Without HOA Fees?
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “Hi Gary. Could you please email me a list of condos without HOA fees in P.B., Clairemont, U.C., and nearby areas…” Answer: That would be a very short list. As in VERY short. I’d estimate that 99.9% of condos have HOA fees. The rare exception would be a 2-4 unit property converted to condos w/o
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
Should a Structural Engineer Inspect the Home Foundation?
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “Should we have a structural engineer inspect the foundation on a home we want to buy?” Answer: A few years ago, I had a pain in my chest almost certainly from straining myself in the gym. I called Kaiser to set an appointment to see my doc and when they heard “chest pain” they
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
Must the Seller Pay the Realtor Fee?
Wednesday, 04 March 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “I’m going to be a first time homebuyer and want to learn as much as I can. I’ve heard the seller has to pay for the Realtor fee as well as termites and a few other things. Is that correct?” Answer: Not exactly. All costs are technically negotiable, so the seller is not required
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
Is an Offer Considered Accepted if It’s After the Expiration?
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “I offered on a house and the sellers countered back, giving me 24 hours to respond. I did accept it, but a couple of days after the deadline. I saw the sellers when I had my home inspection and all seemed fine. They even told me they’d leave me the refrigerator, which wasn’t even
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
How to Know What Repairs to Ask For
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “I plan to buy my first home soon and want to learn as much as possible. I know I should have a home inspection done. But how do I know which findings are serious and what to ask to be repaired?” Answer: Great question! There are only 6 major systems of a home: Foundation
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
A Real Estate License Is No Golden Ticket
Wednesday, 04 February 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “My husband and I have never bought a home before. I’m a full-time nurse and I’m thinking about getting a real estate license so I can get the commission when we buy. Do you think that’s a good idea?” Answer: Your question is a different version of what I call the “Golden Ticket Syndrome.”
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions
Should You Get a Home Warranty?
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
by Gary Kent
Question: “What exactly is a home warranty and who pays for it?” Answer: It’s an insurance policy that sellers usually pay for that covers certain things that can go wrong with the systems of the house and (depending on coverage) the appliances, pool, spa, and roof. The policy is for one year after closing and
- Published in Q&A - Home Buying Questions