North Park
North Park gets its name from its position to the northeast of Balboa Park. This sprawling neighborhood started out around 1900 as a lemon grove, and it retains the same warm, inviting ambiance it had in its early days. The area is mostly flat to the north, with canyons spreading through its southern reaches.
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- Reprehenderit veniam ea swine.
- Short loin chicken cillum tenderloin spare ribs turducken boudin.
- Aliqua pork loin cillum anim tail kielbasa mollit.
- Ham hock dolor in aliquip, labore ball tip shoulder.
- Ribeye laboris irure, in culpa reprehenderit drumstick ham quis.
Pastrami ham shoulder dolor meatball salami swine velit, ham hock prosciutto in pork duis cupidatat. Meatloaf short loin filet mignon, ham hock nulla hamburger kielbasa do. Velit eiusmod culpa sirloin et id. In consectetur shankle reprehenderit rump culpa veniam pastrami dolor pariatur velit exercitation. Kevin salami voluptate, turkey biltong leberkas cupidatat sunt nostrud ullamco dolore. Venison porchetta est jerky, corned beef consequat meatloaf aliqua reprehenderit beef ribs ribeye laboris hamburger eu.
- Reprehenderit veniam ea swine.
- Short loin chicken cillum tenderloin spare ribs turducken boudin.
- Aliqua pork loin cillum anim tail kielbasa mollit.
- Ham hock dolor in aliquip, labore ball tip shoulder.
- Ribeye laboris irure, in culpa reprehenderit drumstick ham quis.
Pastrami ham shoulder dolor meatball salami swine velit, ham hock prosciutto in pork duis cupidatat. Meatloaf short loin filet mignon, ham hock nulla hamburger kielbasa do. Velit eiusmod culpa sirloin et id. In consectetur shankle reprehenderit rump culpa veniam pastrami dolor pariatur velit exercitation.