What’s the difference between a mortgage banker and a mortgage broker?
Friday, 20 December 2019
Question: “I’m shopping lenders for my home loan and one said she’s a mortgage banker. Is that the same as a mortgage broker?” Answer: Great question…and the answer is “no.” Mortgage BANKERThey handle everything in-house and lend you their own money, though they’ll probably sell the loan later. Mortgage bankers include banks, credit unions, and
- Published in Q&A - Home Financing Questions
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How do 1031 exchanges work?
Friday, 04 October 2019
Question: “Hi Gary. My wife and I want to sell our rental condo in Mission Valley and buy a triplex or fourplex in North Park. I know I can avoid taxes by doing a 1031 exchange, but I dont know how they work. Can you enlighten me? “ Answer: Happy to… There are 3 common
- Published in Q&A - Home Investing Questions
Anticipate delays in closing when planning your move out date
Friday, 04 October 2019
Question: “Last time I sold my home, I moved out the day we were supposed to close and got burned. The buyer had loan problems and the closing was delayed for 3 weeks. I got stuck making payments on an empty condo. Now I’m planning to sell my house and want to protect myself so
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
How do I know if I should change my carpets?
Friday, 27 September 2019
Question: “Should I change my carpets before we sell our house?” Answer: Good question. It depends on what I call the “Eww, Oh, Ooo Test.” “Eww!” If your carpets are so torn, worn, stained, smelly, or of such an ugly color that a homebuyer would say “EWW!”, it could make your home hard to sell
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
Should I get a loan or pay cash?
Friday, 27 September 2019
Question: “I want to buy a home and can afford to pay cash. Do you recommend getting a loan or paying cash?” Answer: Congratulations on being able to pay cash for your home! The answer to your question depends on your circumstances and priorities. Reasons to pay cash include: Your offer will be much stronger
- Published in Q&A - Home Financing Questions
How much should I list my home for relative to its value?
Friday, 20 September 2019
Question: “How much should a person list their home for relative to the value?” Answer: Great question. To get the most activity and leave a bit of negotiating room, the optimal amount is about 2% over value, except for higher price ranges. If your home is valued over $1,500,000, I recommend you list about 3%
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
What’s a capitalization rate?
Friday, 20 September 2019
Question: “What’s a cap rate?” Answer: Cap rate is short for “capitalization rate.” Cap rate is the rate an investment property earns money, as a percentage of the value of the property. It’s similar to an interest rate on a CD. And it’s also your % return if you buy the property for cash. You
- Published in Q&A - Home Investing Questions