Why do HOA documents cost so much?
Friday, 17 January 2020
Question: “On the condo we’re selling, the escrow company said it will cost over $500 just for HOA papers for the buyer. Is that legit?” Answer: Yes, unfortunately. And it’s something that always upsets me because my clients are being taken advantage of by HOA (Home Owner Association) management companies. (These are not the HOAs
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
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Are HOA’s allowed to charge for documents?
Friday, 28 June 2019
Question: “My HOA management company wants to charge me $700 for the condo documents. That’s highway robbery. Is that even legal?” Answer: I’m no attorney, but in my opinion, that is NOT legal (and is, in fact, highway robbery!). Too many HOA management companies are raking it in and breaking the law in the process.
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions