Are probate appraisals accurate?
Friday, 24 May 2019
Question: “Hi Gary, my father died without a living trust, so his home is going through probate. The probate appraiser said it’s worth $850,000. That seems a little high. Are probate appraisals accurate?” Answer: Rarely. In my experience, probate appraisals are about the most inaccurate appraisal you could possibly get and tend to be high.
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
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Does It Matter How Much the Buyer Puts Down on Your Home?
Thursday, 08 January 2015
Question: “Since I am not carrying the loan on my house, should I care how much the buyer puts down?” Answer: Yes! All other things being equal, the higher the down payment, the stronger the borrower’s qualifications and looser the lending requirements. And a side benefit is that if the appraisal comes in low the
- Published in Q&A - Home Financing Questions, Real Estate Tips
Should You Get an Appraisal Before Selling?
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Question: “We plan to sell our home and get it on the market in the next few weeks. What’s the first step, getting an appraisal?” Answer: You certainly can get an appraisal, but you’ll be shelling out $500 for what your agent will do for free. Basically, your steps are: Find a good agent Determine
- Published in Q&A - Home Selling Questions
Finding Out the Bank’s Appraisal of Your San Diego Home
Sunday, 12 February 2012
“When I sell my home, will I find out what how much the bank appraises it for?” Answer: If the appraisal comes in at the sales price or higher, the bank tells us the appraisal was “sufficient” or some similar term, but they don’t usually release the price. If it’s low, they do tell us
- Published in FAQs, Home Selling