Finding a Good Homestager for Your San Diego Home
Saturday, 18 February 2012
“Do you have a home stager you can recommend? And what do they typically cost?” Answer: I do know a good homestager and will be happy to give you her contact info. Homestagers offer a range of services, in increasing order of cost: – Initial consultation (often free) – A list of things you can
- Published in Home Selling, Real Estate Resources
The Wrong Way to Find a Lender
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
“I’m looking to refi my condo and I’m calling lenders out of the phone book trying to find the lowest rate. Can you recommend me the lender you think has the lowest rates?” Answer: STOP! Shopping rates is NOT the way to find your lender. Here’s why: 1. There’s more to a loan than interest
- Published in Real Estate Resources, San Diego
Finding Out the Bank’s Appraisal of Your San Diego Home
Sunday, 12 February 2012
“When I sell my home, will I find out what how much the bank appraises it for?” Answer: If the appraisal comes in at the sales price or higher, the bank tells us the appraisal was “sufficient” or some similar term, but they don’t usually release the price. If it’s low, they do tell us
- Published in FAQs, Home Selling